• Категория: Английский язык


В данной работе рассматриваются основные понятия маркетинга Работа начинается изучением термина «маркетинг» и анализирует разные определения маркетинга. Также в теоретической части работы рассматриваются термины «гостеприимства» и специфические особенности менеджмента маркетинга гостеприимства в общих чертах и менеджмент маркетинга гостеприимства Гостиницы Транскорп Хилтон в Нигерии. Работа уникальна тем что в ней рассматриваются принципы и стратегии гостеприимства с точки зрения менеджмента и маркетинга не только на теоретическом уровне но и на практическом уровне. Важно отметить тот факт, что в работе также рассмотрены особенности маркетинг плана и маркетинг стратегии а также их отличительные черты.


I. Introduction.....................................................................................................3 II. General characteristics of marketing and hospitality....................................4 2.1. Notion and characteristics of marketing................................................4 2.2. Notion and characteristics of hospitality...............................................7 2.3. The functions of Marketing.................................................................11 III. Hospitality services marketing at Hilton Hotel ..........................................14 3.1. Definition of Product and Services.....................................................14 3.2. Case company: Hilton Hotel..............................................................14 IV. Special characteristics of hospitality marketing..........................................20 4.1. Hospitality consumers’ marketing.......................................................20 4.2. Marketing planning.............................................................................22 V. Difference between a marketing Plan and a Marketing strategy…………24 VI. Conclusion..................................................................................................27 VII. References.................................................................................................28

VI. Conclusion

At the end of the research we came to the next conclusions:  The development of the marketing concept is critically reviewed. Marketing as a discipline is traced from its origins as a business activity to its contemporary position as a generic activity applying to all types of organizations and exchange transactions. In such a broadened domain, the centrality of the customer is questioned as is the nature and extent of the exchange process that takes place. The dominant approach of hospitality is one based on business and management, with many institutions focusing on services and some taking a retailing perspective. The retention of a customer perspective is essential to the effective delivery of hospitality products; customers do not buy service delivery, they buy experiences; they do not buy service quality, they buy memories; they do not buy food and drink, they buy meal experiences. Marketing includes all of the activities necessary to move a product from the producer to the consumer.  Marketing starts with market research, a learning process in which marketers get to know everything they can about the needs and wants of consumers, and it ends when somebody buys something. In the practical part I analyzed the marketing strategies of Hilton Hotel and I came to the conclusion that at the time when the Hotel lacked facilities it was decided to make some changes in the building structures of his hotel for the customers’ satisfaction. Transcorp Hilton Hotel services are comprised of the following: accommodation, Dining, services for corporate and private person. In such a way became clear that successful marketing managers focus on understanding their consumers’ wants and needs as clearly as possible. One of the most perplexing problems confronting hospitality managers is to understand why hospitality consumers behave as they do. Understanding the behavior of hospitality and tourism consumers is among the most important challenges facing management. It is critical that managers remain in constant communication with those who consume the products and services, and pay close attention to consumer needs so that they will be ready to change elements of the marketing mix when consumer preferences, wants, or needs change. At the end of the work, in order to make a difference between the marketing plan and the marketing strategy I characterized each of them apart and I enumerated the differences between them. In such a way it became clear that the marketing strategy is an explanation of the goals a person need to achieve with his marketing efforts and the marketing plan is how the persons are going to achieve those marketing goals.  VII. References
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